Push Pedal Pull Commercial Blog

Another Path to Outfitting Your Commercial Fitness Facility

Written by admin | Feb 1, 2024 4:48:32 PM

The benefits of leasing commercial fitness equipment sometimes outweigh the benefits of buying equipment outright. 

Equipping a brand-new fitness facility or upgrading aging equipment at an existing gym represents a significant investment. The costs of purchasing top-quality commercial cardio gear, strength machines, and other fitness products outright can be prohibitive for many gym owners and operators. Leasing commercial equipment is often a much more strategic financial decision.


Benefits of Leasing Your Gym Equipment


Lower Upfront Costs Leasing allows you to get the latest fitness products in your facility without large lump sum payments or financing. You simply pay a monthly leasing fee over a fixed term, such as 3-5 years. This dramatically reduces the impact on your capital and cash flow.


Adapt to Industry Trends Fitness trends come and go, and new formats like HIIT training emerge. Leasing equipment lets you rotate new products as they appear rather than being stuck with ownership of outdated assets. You can meet member expectations and stay competitive.


Includes Maintenance/Service Reputable leasing companies handle all required servicing, maintenance, and repairs for leased equipment as part of the monthly fee. This transfers the responsibilities of upkeep from your staff to experts.


Flexible Terms: You can opt for different lease terms depending on your specific equipment needs and budget. Multi-year terms make sense for large installs or significant facility upgrades. But shorter 12-month leases offer flexibility.


Tax Advantages Lease payments are usually tax deductible as an operating expense. This can provide advantages over large depreciating capital expenditures from purchases. Always consult your accountant!


Let Our Equipment Experts Help. Are you ready to explore leasing your gym equipment? The professionals at Push Pedal Pull offer complimentary lease analyses based on your facility requirements and financials. We handle everything from finding the perfect equipment to complete service maintenance. Contact us today to get started!


Since 1985, Push Pedal Pull has been your local exercise equipment expert.


We are an industry pioneer and a recognized leader in the sales and service of premium fitness equipment for residential and commercial settings. Today, we are one of the largest fitness equipment dealers in the country, with over 35 years of growth and stability in the specialty fitness industry.

Based in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, we also have 18 retail showrooms, 22 commercial sales representatives, and over 150 hard-working employees who serve thousands of residential and commercial customers throughout Arkansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Western Wisconsin, Tennessee, Colorado, and Wyoming.

Over the years, we’ve earned the right to represent most of the fitness industry’s leading equipment manufacturers exclusively.