Lynn Fragetta

Lynn is a graduate of Towson State University and has devoted the past 10 years of her life to the fitness industry. She has held certifications in CPR, Water Aerobics, and Lifeguarding. Lynn also loves to play basketball, softball and golf. She believes the biggest myth about fitness is that you have to spend lots of money on equipment to get fit...not true! How Lynn began her career in fitness: "I was going through a time in my life when things were not right. I was fatigued, depressed and uncertain of my future. I noticed that my life went from being a competitive athlete to a more stagnate lifestyle. The effects of this lifestyle did not work fr me. Doctor appointment after Doctor appointment, and nothing was helping. I heard a radio ad that mentioned walking 30 minutes a day could help the quality of your life. I was skeptical, but I tried it. A month into my working out, my life had been changed. I smiled again, I was happy, and truly felt my quality of life increase. If a little knowledge can change my life, I couldn't think of a better career for me to spread the word. It workds, and we can help!"


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