When shopping for a treadmill, it can be confusing as to why the price can vary so much from model to model. Why is it that some treadmills can cost as low as $500 when others are marked closer to $5,000? The answer is simple. The treadmills offered have a range of capabilities and amenities that add to the price. With a little understanding, you’ll be able to find the perfect machine for your fitness goals and budget.
Today’s treadmills have an exciting variety of features. Some components of a treadmill that may affect price are belt length, belt width, a suspended deck as opposed to a deck on a solid frame, motor sizes, incline ability and more. Treadmills also may vary in how many exercise programs they offer. Some newer models can even track your running rhythm and check the motor speed to match your natural step.
Based on your fitness needs, we at Push Pedal Pull can work with you to find the treadmill that will fit you best. Are you a marathoner who needs to be able to train indoors? Some treadmills can allow you to run downhill, perfect for a serious runner who wants to simulate an outdoor race route. Is your main goal to lose weight? We have treadmills that come with computer software that can interact with the treadmill’s heart rate monitor to help you maximize calorie burn.
Choosing a treadmill is an interactive process. Bring your tennis shoes with you to one of our stores and try out the machines firsthand. Work out on each treadmill for a minimum of 20 minutes. Does the treadmill match your stride? Think of the other members of your family who will also use the machine. When you’re ready to purchase, keep in mind that buying treadmills online may mean that they do not have that crucial warranty to protect the longevity of your machine.
Happy shopping!