It can come as no surprise that a place where countless sweaty gym-goers share equipment can be a hotbed for germs and bacteria. We’ve scoured the web to find some helpful hints for keeping your workout experience healthy and beneficial... at home and at the gym.
Disinfect, disinfect, disinfect!
Ready to hop on that elliptical? Wipe it down first. Gyms usually have disinfectant wipes or spray available. Don’t trust that your previous gym rat cleaned it for you. Give it a thorough wipe. If your gym doesn’t provide disinfectant wipes, bring your own from home. Trust us, it’s worth it.
Have a home gym? Get in the habit of cleaning your machines after every use. This includes mats and weight machines.
Bring Your Own
Supply your own gym accessories. Don’t use gym towels, use your own if possible. If you want to use gym towels, look into how those towels are cleaned. Instead of using the water fountain, which can house bacteria not only on the spout, but also in the pipes, bring a water bottle that you can rewash after every use. If you’re a regular yogi, buy a mat and disinfect it after every use.
Have a home gym? You may think you’ve already “brought your own” since it’s all your equipment. True, but maintain it by disinfecting it regularly and cleaning what you own.
Listen to Your Body
If you’re worn down, haven’t slept and don’t feel great, then you may want to consider skipping the gym for the day. Your immunity can be lessened when you haven’t been taking care of yourself so don’t risk picking up something. Better to skip one day than the entire next week because you caught a cold.
Keep those hands down
Multiple sources agree that touching your face while working out makes it more likely that bad germs will spread. Consider all the items you touch in the gym -- dumbbells, door knobs, even the ground, and make a conscious effort to leave those germs as far away from your face as possible.
Finally, don't forget the basics: wash your hands often!
Here are some great articles to read more about germs at the gym:
Epic Fitness: Gym Germs and Fighting Off the Cold
If you have more helpful hints to stay germ-free, please share them with us!