The media makes weight loss and fitness an ongoing nightmare for most women. Like men, as women age, certain target areas seem harder to keep in shape. In many cases, women let those areas get worse because they don't want to modify another area. For example, many women don't exercise their arms because it has such an enormous impact on their chest, the one area women might be okay with as it is. The good news is that it is possible to only focus on certain areas of the body without having much of an impact on the ones you don't want to change.
Every woman has seen it and hoped it never happened to her. It's the sagging area of the woman's upper arm, the one that jiggles every time she points to something. While many women avoid working this area because they don't want to reduce their chest size, others have found the key to targeting it.
Hold your arm so that it is parallel to your face, with the elbow pointing straight up. Your hand should be able to touch your shoulder. With a dumbbell in your hand, lift your forearm so that the inside of your elbow forms a right angle. Repeat. Remember to go faster with light weights in order to burn fat, and slower with heavier weights in order to build muscle.
Thighs are becoming more of an issue as more women find themselves working at a desk, getting limited exercise through the day. These exercises can help combat some of that sitting, without the worry of doing things like jarring the joints when you run.
This workout involves a resistance band or weights on a pulley. Strap the band to your ankle. Cross the leg with the band on it over the leg without the band. You can also lift your leg to try and form a right angle at your hips. To change things up, cross one leg behind the other instead of in front of it. This doesn't just work the thighs, but the hips and stomach as well. For more of a workout for your hips and stomach, lie flat on your back or stomach and lift your leg.
If you do happen to work at a desk, don't be afraid to do some leg lifts while you sit. You can also tighten and release your stomach muscles as you work.